A Shared Vision Of Equality Summary

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Jesus’ idea of a shared vision of equality falls right into this article written by Dorothy Day. She tells how, when the Mystical Body is suffering or glorified, it is shared by all people. We are all looked at equally by God. Jesus told us that we were all equal, nobody is better than the other, meaning nobody can shine high or stoop lower than the other. We need to all act equally and treat others in our community with equal values, nobody should be treated better than the other.
This article explains what Jesus meant by saying we had a shared vision of equality and community. People should not be able to look at their neighbors in poverty while living a life full of unnecessary wants. As a community we need to come together and first hand experience the unfortunate people in this world, we cannot …show more content…

And if one member suffers anything, all the members suffer with it; or if one member glory, all the members rejoice with it.” I believe this strongly correlates with communities for compassion because they would let no person suffer and would not “shove” anybody out the door. Dorothy shows that we should all suffer if only one person suffers. Communities for compassion will never leave anybody behind they want everybody to succeed. They show the true care for each other, like a real supporter of Jesus should.
Dorothy Day states the term “The Catholic Manifesto is The Sermon on the Mount” which I believe means that we should all make peace on earth. The church is like the peacemakers of the community, they help those that are in need and promote peace to the whole community. This term pretty much sums up Dorothy Day's character and what kind of a person that she is. She is a super strong willed independent women who is not afraid to stand up for anything that she believes in. Dorothy is a peacemaker of all of those in need and to those who should be helping others in

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