A Rose For Emily And The Yellow Wallpaper Analysis Essay

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This essay is an in-depth analysis of A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner and The Yellow Wallpaper by Gilman and makes use of various secondary sources.
The main theme in A Rose for Emily by William Faulkner focuses on the extremes of isolation, both physical and mental. In this book, Emily is a fascinating and bizarre character who at first was vibrant and full of hope but later becomes reclusive, detached and secretive as a result of the treatment she faced from her father (Faulkner 21). She is also a stubborn character who refuses to pay her taxes and is arrogant about it. One way in which her father ill treated her was by refusing to grant her the freedom to choose a suitor.
A Rose for Emily stresses the detrimental effects of limiting a woman’s freedom of expression and choice, which culminates into disastrous consequences. In this book, Emily is mentally and physically controlled by her father. Emily’s father does this is in the way in which he orders her to do whatever he sees fit. By doing this, Emily is virtually imprisoned, both mentally and physically and denied any freedom by her father. Her dad ensures that she is not free to do as she pleases and emphasizes this when he refuses her from marrying a man of her choice. This treatment causes Emily to become lonely, depressed and filled with rage, as well as thoughts of revenge. Her rage and hate for her father, as well as her concealed desire for revenge is displayed in the way in which she takes three days before allowing people to offer their farewells to him after he had died. Furthermore, Emily’s revenge is exercised in the way in which she murders her boyfriend after he threatens to leave her and keeps his body in their marriage suit till her death. Her murde...

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...cted to her made her seem like a prisoner. It also made her feel isolated and abused. In regard to these instances, this journal, therefore, puts emphasis on the importance of having gender balance in any community. This journal also strives to encourage men to treat women with respect and kindness. In doing this, few women will develop mental illness as a result of being well treated and respected by their husbands.
In conclusion, these literature materials show the gender and racial disparities that existed during the post development era of the United States. During this time, women were not respected by men, and were considered inferior. Racial divides also existed as depicted in the case of Emily’s black Butler. By outlining these key issues, this journal is showing the consequences of allowing gender disparities and racial divides to flourish in any society.

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