A Rhetorical Analysis For The Us Army

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The advertisement above is an advertisement for the United States Army. This advertisement is promoting support and interests in the United States Army. In the advertisement the main focus is to catch the viewer's eye by having a man in uniform being hugged tightly by a young, sweet innocent girl. The Army is trying to get the viewers attention through using the emotions of the viewer and the members of the Army. This advertisement is also appealing to the character, reason, and timeliness of the views. The main goal when looking at this advertisement is to get the viewer interested in enlisting or at least supporting and looking more into the United States Army. When first glancing at this advertisement the viewer will notice this as a very …show more content…

The reason pathos is being used in this advertisement is because the majority of our society’s hearts go out to our United States Army. The feelings we have for our troops are pride, love, and respect. We have these feelings because of their bravery and sacrifices they have made for our nation. The advertisement is trying to promote the United States Army and wants to catch the public’s attention. The advertisement does this by connecting to the viewer’s emotions. In the center of the advertisement you see a military member hugging a young girl. The man in the military uniform is all smiles, while the young girl is kissing his cheek. This adds to the emotions that the viewer should be feeling when they first see this advertisement. The emotions that a viewer should feel when looking at this image is gratefulness, love, and caring. The men and women in the United States Army that are giving up their lives to protect the lives of the public should definitely cause the public to get emotional and grab their attention when talking about there sacrifices. This adverisment’s use of pathos helps to prove that this is an effective advertisement of the United States Army and promotes the troops very

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