A Residual Regret

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Ever had that feeling that just made you wish you did something but you chose not to for some unforeseen reason? Or even that feeling of regret that just takes over you and all your thoughts are just filled with “what ifs”? Maybe your regrets are just eating you alive and you just don’t know what you’re going to do now. I never enjoyed regret or the fact that it always came in the end. It’s like a rash that keeps on getting more and more irritating. Regret starts off as, “Oh. No big deal.” to where it becomes “I wish I did this. I wish I did that.” If you don’t know how to deal with it, it just becomes a part of you. I have many regrets in life. Some are minor while others are still a part of me today. One of my biggest regrets in life was not being able to properly grieve over the loss of my dad. It was hard given the fact that he was like my rock in everything I did for my first 9 years of existence. I felt like he was the backbone I needed when I couldn’t get up from my mistakes. He was my everything. So when I lost him, I never got over it properly. I never griev...

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