A Pros And Cons To Write An Essay On Snow Leopards

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The Himalayan Highland exhibit had two connecting parts and was quite large, it also displayed a very naturalistic and rocky terrain that housed a couple of snow leopards. Snow leopards generally prefer to live in rocky and steep terrain and the exhibit displayed just that, as the whole area was built on a slope. No zoo employees were present to provide more information on the snow leopards daily life and diet.
Like tigers, snow leopards tend to be solitary animals and are apex predators. Their niche in the wild includes ambushing their prey for their meals, however, these cats are not as big as lions or tigers, so their prey tend to be on the smaller size. Examples of what they usually hunt would be sheep’s, boars, deer’s, and rodents. Snow leopards are usually found in mountain areas, their range is specifically near Central Asia to the Himalayas. These cats also travel as high as 18,400 feet which is a bit more than the half way mark in comparison to the height of Mount Everest. With the ability to thrive in great heights in the mountain, this increases their chances to find more prey, however, most of the time harsh conditions force the snow leopards back down to the forests. In order to keep a healthy population, snow leopards usually take up to thirty eight square miles as his/her territory.
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These species are considered rare since their population of four thousand to six thousand in the wild is facing a decline. Their threats in nature is mainly from climate change, which forces the snow leopards out of their natural habitat. Subsequently, since snow leopards prey on livestock’s such as goats, sheep’s and horses, local farmers are hunting them to prevent their animals from being consumed. Humans value snow leopards positively, since they are endangered, they are a source of entertainment and generate revenue for zoo’s since many visitors seek to observe endangered

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