A Narrative Essay About A Hero's Journey

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It was a cold late night on the RMS Titanic sailing through the calm seas of the North Atlantic where it will be the setting most terrifying moment of my life. It was April 14th 1912 at 11:40 PM, me and my family were sleeping in my 3rd class room in cabin F53, when we heard the strike, it sounded like metal scraping against the ground at a high speed. That’s when we felt an earthquake like feeling the shook us all out of our beds, already ma is freaking out, “Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god!” she kept repeating in the same terrified voice. “Honey! It’s ok remember this ship is unsinkable.” my dad responded in a chill tone. “But the ship been struck! What if she goes down?!” my mom questioned. “Honey it’s unsinkable, the crew has it all under …show more content…

“What if she goes down for real, Joey?” questioned William. “She won’t William, just go back to bed.” I responded in a crabby way. Just as we drifted off we heard banging outside of my door, already my brother crawls up into a ball and into the corner, as my dad open the door a steuerwert was outside and throw life jackets. “She’s going down, get your kids and take them to the upper deck immediately.” he told us in Army general tone. My dad was frozen in fear and then when the steuerwert went away to the next room he said, “Everyone to the upper decks.” “But darling maybe it’s just a…” responded my mom. “JUST GET TO THE UPPER DECKS!” my dad had order us. Then my dad through the life jackets and screamed at us to put them on, we did what we were told. Then, we did what we were told and many of the other passengers, some were crying and others were holding onto each other in fear. As we made our way to the upper deck we’ve been told that only women and children were aloud on the lifeboats and that frighten me and my whole family, we started to cry as my dad had hugged us tight. As the 1st and 2nd class passengers were being boarded onto the lifeboats and lowered into the icy waters of the

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