A Humorous Wedding

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This story is about an attractive girl who feels she was born into the lower class of family. She dreams about being in a higher class family with a dowry, luxuries and delicacies, married to a rich and distinguished man. Instead, this girl marries a man of a lesser class, than she feels she belongs. She suffers from the poverty; the peasant work that she feels is not of her way as she was born, the simple house without silks and tapestry. One day a surprise envelope arrives telling her she was invited to the ball. Borrowing a necklace for a gathering from a friend to make her feel special for the night; where things go wrong. This girl suffers as she dwells on what she does not have. She constantly puts her own place down, calling it ugly, with wretched walls, worn out chairs, and curtains that do not make her place special. She feels the house work is humbling for the little peasant who has done her chores, making her regret with distracted dreams. She thinks about the footmen in knee-breeches, delicate furniture, and perfumed boudoirs for talking with friends, men that women envy and desire. She has no jewelry, or dresses, nothing to make …show more content…

Once they find a cab passing by in the distance they head home. At the door of their house, she sadly climbs homeward thinking that all has ended for her. Once inside she uncovers her shoulders to see herself once more in all her glory. “She suddenly utters a cry because the necklace is no longer around her neck.” She checks the folds of the cloak, the folds of her dress, everywhere only to end up with nothing. Her husband helps her look and asks the number of the cab. In all her glory she did not think to look at the number. He heads out to retrace all their steps in the hopes of finding the necklace. She sits all morning in her ball dress, overwhelmed, without any thought, until her husband returns without the

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