A Comparison of the Man with No Name in A Fistful of Dollars and William Munney's Unforgiven

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A Comparison of the Man with No Name in A Fistful of Dollars and William Munney's Unforgiven Compare and contrast the representation of "the man with no name" in "A Fistful of Dollars" and William Munney in "Unforgiven". Do we have sympathy with these re- worked heroes? Your answer should include reference to film language, especially the use of generic conventions and iconography. The Western genre is an extremely important film type as some of the world's most revolutionary productions originated from the ideas that Western films portrayed, such as, Star Wars. They represent honour, courage, good and bad along with many other important themes. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences of the "the man with no name" and William Munney. It will focus on three main areas; they are character, relationships and representation. First of all, the similarities between the two characters, "the man with no name" is fearless this is evident to see on more than one occasion, for example, after a few bandits shot at his mule to scare it away he returned back later demanding an apology for his mule even though he was out-numbered. When they refused he shot them all without even batting an eyelid. In the final scene he faces the main family who have committed multiple murders and crimes. Even though he had his shooting hand crushed earlier on in the film and he had to teach himself to shot with his weaker hand and he was out-numbered with only his trusty pistol. He showed no fear and defeated the enemy for good with the help of his loyal Mexican friend. William Munny also shows that he is fearless when at the end of the film he f... ... middle of paper ... ...s as the beating continued. On the other hand William Munney does show his sympathy for the Scholfield Kid because after he kills a man for the first time William Munney comforts the Scholfield Kid and reassures him that everything will work out in the end. So in conclusion from all of the information that is collated in this essay "the man with no name" and William Munney do have certain aspects of their character that are the same and some that are different. The main bulk of this essay concentrates on the character and indicates that "the man with no name" and William Munney are incredibly similar and with only a minority of characteristics differing. The main point to be remembered from this essay is if they do some good or bad along the way they only do it for their primary objective, which is to make money.

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