A Comparison Of Sor Juana In John Milton's Paradise Lost

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Paradise Lost presents an interesting view on the character Eve. Most view Eve as the reason for the fall of man. She is the one who first eats the apple and then offers some to Adam. In Paradise Lost, readers are presented with a story that is highly influenced by love. Adam chooses to eat the apple because of the love he holds for Eve. Because of this, I want to focus my presentation on the topic of love. I mainly want to focus on how Adam and Eve react toward each other and free will, but I plan to focus this discussion in Book 4 of Paradise Lost. To do this, I decided to bring in one of the poems of Sor Juana. My Lady presents another view on the topic of love from a different part of the world that also includes a slight religious influence. …show more content…

While Milton’s Paradise Lost includes biblical characters and a biblical story, Sor Juana was a nun. While Milton was a man, Sor Juana was a woman. Both discuss love and marriage, and both were very well read individuals. Because of this, I believe Sor Juana is a good author to discuss alongside Milton, and this is something I intend to stress during my presentation. Sor Juana could be called a woman before her time. She was a feminist before feminism was thought of. Her life was dedicated to learning. She joined the church because marriage and any other profession would keep her from her studies. Even though she was part of the church, not all of her writings were related to religion. Despite their differences, both Sor Juana and Milton’s works include topics of love and marriage. I decided to work with Sor Juana’s poem My Lady. At first glance, these two works seem incomparable, but I believe using their similarities and differences, the topic of love and free will in Paradise Lost can be better

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