A Comparison Of Henry Thoreau And The Mexican-American War

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Henry Thoreau and the Mexican-American War What is war? War is a conflict between two societies. That’s exactly what the Mexican-American War was, a conflict between two societies, The United States and Mexico. The United States was being greedy and wanted to expand to the Pacific Ocean. What was it for the United States to gain this much land, what was the purpose of starting this fight? When Texas gained its independence from Mexico, the United Sates didn’t want them as a part of the Union because the Northern states were against adding another state that housed slaves. There was also a border conflict between Mexico and the United States. President Polk thought it was a good idea to move American troops beyond the border, which caused Mexico to fire first. Henry Thoreau, an essayist, was best known for his expression of opinion towards President Polk, The Mexican-American War and slavery. Thoreau hated everything that the President stood for and was against the Mexican War, resulting in his outward protest towards the war through his refusal to pay taxes. He spent one night in jail as well to express his protest towards …show more content…

The northern states wanted to put an end to slavery but the southern states wanted to continue with slavery because it benefits them to have people working for them or doing the work they didn’t want to do themselves. This is one reason why the Civil War started. I find it unethical for people to have want to keep owning people as if they didn’t matter. Though slaves were dehumanized, there comes a time when that has to end. Keeping people down is ungodly and unethical. I never understood how slave owners slept at night. I never understood the dislike and hatered for another human. At the end of the day we were all created the same to love each other and treat each other with such kindness and

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