A Character Analysis Of Brom Bones In Sleepy Hollow

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It is a dark, misty night in Sleepy Hollow with gusts of wind that’d give a chill to anyone’s body. In the distance birds were chirping along with a perplexing scream. No one dared to go out at night because it was terrifying to the average person. Ichabod, a respected school teacher, was not the average person. He went for a stroll, as he always did, a decision he will soon regret. Brom Bones is a strong; intimidating figure who is in love with a girl named Katrina. He would do anything to get Katrina to love her back. He envied Ichabod because Ichabod and Katrina were going well with each other. He would try hard to embarrass Ichabod, but could never find an effective way. Brom would stalk Ichabod and Katrina when they were together, because he wanted to try to see what he was doing different. Brom never had trouble getting women, but with Katrina he was baffled. He would ponder on ways he could get Katrina to recognize him in a romantic sense. He couldn’t sing or dance, because Ichabod was exceptional at both. He decided to just take his horse, and go for a ride. That is when he came up with a plan. …show more content…

He knew Ichabod always went for a stroll at night. Riding his horse down the path, Brom sees Ichabod. He captures him and continues on down the path. He left some of Ichabod’s belongings behind to cause terror within the community. Ichabod whimpered, “Where are you taking me?” “You will see,” replied Brom, in an altered tone of voice so he wouldn’t be revealed, “You are going to be okay.” Ichabod was too horrified to say anything else, all he could do was listen to Brom hum at the pattern of his horses’ thumps against the

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