A Change Of Heart About Animals Summary

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PreTest- Oct. 9
What is the thesis of the article?
The thesis of the article “ A Change of Heart about Animals” was basically stating how animals and humans are the same thing just somewhat different for example they way we may look. Other then that the thesis mentioned how animals have right to just like any human has the right to speech and freedom. People can’t just hurt animals for fun that is against the law. So a summary of the article from the thesis is that animals have emotions and shouldn’t be treated differently becuase of appearins. 2. Does the author make any claims that you disagree with? What are they?
Well I mean not really all the claims that the author mention kinda are positive responses becuase it’s trying to show us the main point in why humans and animals shouldn’t be treated any different becuase at the end of the day they are alive just any human out there. So No, the author does not mention any claims that I disagree …show more content…

Also Rifkin supports his implication by illustrating how animals are similar to humans by describing the research that has proved in the article. His purpose is to inform the readers the conscious of animal cruelty in our economy in order to bring around greater rights for animals in this world. The author Rifkin makes the audiance feel a certain way becuase they mention lots of cruel stuff people do to the animals and how they should have the same rights as the humans, for example, “They feel pain, suffer and experience stress, affection, excitement and even love- and these findings are changing how we the people view animals” . The literary of the artilce of Rifkin is basically to show the studies between animals and

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