A Career To Becoming A Hydrologist Career

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Hydrologist Career A hydrologist is a person who studies the effects dispersion and properties of water whether it is a gas, liquid or solid. The suffix hydro- meaning water and the prefix -ologist a person who studies. A hydrologist measures, monitors pH levels of soil, water and pollution levels, they also study environmental trends. A hydrologist can have many different positions like working as the scientist, a researcher, a field worker or even a lab worker. Before you get there you need to know what skills you need, the education requirements, average salary, what they do in each field, and the outlook for this career.
To be a Hydrologist you need to have certain skills to make a good Hydrologist. You need to be analytical, have good …show more content…

Some of the majors you can take in college that can lead you to this path is Economics, Biology, or Environmental Law, you can also have a concentration in hydrology in most universities. Very few universities offer a hydrology major, Boise State University, Northern Arizona University, Oregon State University are a few universities that do offer hydrology and water resources science majors. The classes that you need to make sure to take is math, statistics, physical and computer and life …show more content…

The field workers use equipment, test water and collect data in many different areas. They also clean up the environment or they maintain the clean environment. Researchers and lab workers use computers to try to make sense of the data they have received, they also solve water problems in that area. Some of those problems in society is pollution and the hydrologists uses computers to create models of the area being affected and tries to find a way to prevent it from spreading. They also plan large water projects like, wastewater treatment facilities, hydroelectric power plants and irrigation systems. Hydrologist can also work in many different industries like public and private companies being the least common with a 7%, than Local Government, the State Government, the Engineering services, Management and Technical services, and The Federal Government being the most common with a

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