Marine Biologist Career Analysis

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This essay is a comparison between three careers that I chose being optional future choices. The careers I chose is becoming a Marine Biologist, Security Engineer, or Computer Network Architect. I used an evaluation matrix to compare the careers. I gave a weight for each criteria to rate the careers. I had to research each career and rate the criteria best to my liking. I rated the criteria from 1 to 100 and multiplied it to the weight to equal the total percentage. The weight is determined on the importance I believe each criteria has for the careers. After researching each career, I gather the totals of the weight and rating combined and evaluate which career had a higher score.
After comparing the totals, I conclude which career that I would consider as a career …show more content…

Also the salary is at a wide range due to the need or availability of each career. Marine Biologist salary is an average of $70,800 per year, but starts at $39,700 and can range up to $124,680. Security Engineers salary is an average of $97,200 per year, but it starts at $78,499 and can range up to $99,636.

Computer Network Architects salary is an average of $100,240, but it starts at $78,033 and can range up to $125,510.
The employment for Marine Biologist outlook is very competitive since there are more marine scientist compared to the demand and the number of government jobs is limited. To become a marine biologist, you usually have to get a bachelor’s degrees or masters degree to consult or study marine biological research jobs. The majors for the employment of a marine biologist field varies with each degree. For a bachelor’s degree the majors could be biology, zoology, fisheries, oceanography, conservation, chemistry, marine biology, biological oceanography, animal sciences, or mathematics. For a master’s degree the major I choose could be zoology, fisheries, oceanography, biology, marine biology, biological oceanography, ecology, physical oceanography,

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