A Career As A Dentist

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Of all the knowledge and skills that I have gained during my undergraduate studies, it is the experience I have gained as a research and dental assistant that will contribute the most to my career as a dentist. Although a strong science background is essential to succeed in dental school, my unique combination of personal motivation, social skills, perseverance, and desire to help those in need will allow me to excel in this profession. To appreciate the characteristics that set me apart from other students pursuing similar goals, it is necessary to understand how I reached the point where I am today. At age 17 I moved to Florida after finishing high school in Nicaragua. Although it was my first time living abroad and on my own, I found the transition to an exciting one. I made a plan of action to accomplish my dream of becoming a dentist and the first step was to overcome the language barrier by learning English. I enrolled in the Intensive English Institute at Florida Atlantic University in Boca Raton, FL, where I spent the spring semester of 2009. During the fall of the same year,...

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