90 A. D. 400: The Rise Of Christianity

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"Why would religion start to overcome human government, let alone Christianity?" someone would ask today. This would be a very common question someone would respond with if you told them Christianity was starting to become more important to people than human government in the Roman Empire. Today people would be so corralled into the emotions, that they wouldn't see the facts about why something like this would happen. In straightforward facts, however, it could be explained rather easily by looking at the time period A.D. 90 to A.D. 400. Biblical events and historical records can show how Christianity rose in Greece.
The only events that occurred in the Bible past 90 A.D. was the writing of First, Second, and Third John and Revelation. So during this time John was alive. However, prior to 90 A.D., the Apostle Paul had visited Greece and ministered. There is no doubt after Paul left Rome that they had known about Jesus …show more content…

The God Paul spoke about did not seem at all necessary due to their great success. As a matter of fact, during the Age of Chaos (A.D. 235 – 284) Christians were persecuted. Many secular historians believe it is because Christianity is a cult. The reason it is explained as a cult is because for over four-hundred years, the accepted religions were religions formed by man and Christians would go to the death for their belief just like anyone else. Somehow this placed them into a cult by modern historians, and now Christianity is a result of a cult also believed by modern historians. However, also during this time leaders were dying, there were many revolts, there were plagues, and there were also fires. To top off this period, a new ruler came whose name was Diocletian and split the Roman Empire in two. He added junior emperors, which resulted in now four Caesars. When there is a change in leadership, a civil war erupts. The next leaders will change the Roman Empire for

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