9/11 Conspiracy Theory: Government Intervention and Involvement

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The official story of 9/11 is a conspiracy theory in that the government claims 19 hijackers conspired together to hijack four planes and create terror in the world. Four American airplanes were hijacked; two were driven into the World Trade Centers and the third airplane into the Pentagon. The fourth airplane suspected target was the White House, but it was diverted by the brave men and women aboard that hijacked airplane, and crashed the airline jet before it could reach its target. It was like time stood still as America watched through television broadcast these unbelievable and horrifying events taking place. The reports told of the smell the jet fuel, burning flesh, and people jumping out windows to their death to escape the flames. When the two bravura structures tumbling down, rescuers, (police officers, firefighters, and ambulance drivers and techs) were caught in the mast and lost their lives doing their job trying to save lives.

Official reports states, that many top US government officials were warned by other countries, top governments long before while before the 911 attacks. Between June and August 2001, German intelligence warned the (CIA) that Middle Eastern terrorists were training for hijackings targeting American interests. Russian President Vladimir Putin alerted US officials, “there were suicide pilots training for attacks on US targets”, (Shovelan, 2004-06-23). On August 6th 2001 President Bush was said to receive an intelligent briefing warning him, that Osama Bin Laden might be planning to hijack American airlines. That briefing was titled “Bin Laden determined to strike in the US”. In this briefing the (WTC), was specifically mentioned. Mr. Bush later claimed in a statement that the briefing ...

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...itted or aided" the September 11th attacks, or who harbored these persons or groups. “Approximately 18,000 people have been estimated to have developed illnesses as a result of the toxic dust” (Shukman, 09/2011) Hours after the 9/11 attacks a Shadow Government is formed. Key Congressional leaders say they did not know this government in-waiting had been established.

Works Cited

Shukman, David, 09/2011, Toxic Dust).
Dave Thomas Volume 35.4, July/August 2011
9/11 Statement Signed by 100 Prominent Americans, 40 9/11 Family Members
Sibel, Edmonds: FBI Translator and 9/11 Whistleblower Breaks Gag Order
Susan Lindauer: Courageous 9/11 Whistleblower Jailed Without Trial, Now Speaking Out. Able Danger: Multiple Major Media Reports on 9/11 Commission's Failure and Deception
Excellent History of "False Flag" Operations Leading Up to 9/11
Shovelan, John. 2004-06-23

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