7 Commandments In Animal Farm By George Orwell

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Animalism is diminishing because the pigs are adapting the seven commandments to suit their own needs, which is to be more human like. In the first chapter of the novella Animal Farm written by George Orwell, Old major who is basically the head of the animals makes a list of seven commandments that all animals must follow and go by. These seven commandments are “whatever goes on two legs is an enemy, whatever goes on four legs or has wings is a friend, no animal shall sleep in a bed, no animal shall wear clothes, no animal shall drink alcohol, no animal shall kill any other animal and all animals are equal”. All animals abide by these seven commandments until the unfortunate death of Old Major. After old majors death the greedy pigs change …show more content…

The commandment “no animals shall sleep in a bed” has been altered to “no animals shall sleep in a bed with sheets.” The thing is even though the altered commandment is for all animals the only animals that abide by it are the pigs. This is because the pigs are the only animals allowed in jones’ house, where all the beds are. Another commandment that has been disregarded is “no animal shall wear clothes” although again the only animals that wear clothes are the pigs. The pigs adopt human vices and add to the commandments in order to allow for such luxuries. ‘Nevertheless some of the animals were disturbed when they heard that the pigs not only took their meals in the kitchen and used the drawing-room as a recreational room, but also slept in beds.’ After a while the other animals on the farm started to realise what the pigs were doing and started to feel uncomfortable and as if this was really unfair. The animals are quite shocked of the way that the pigs now act, they are shocked because one of the first things that the pigs said in the novella is that they don’t want to be anything like humans.

Over time, the pigs turn away from their ‘Comrades’ and not only engage with the humans, but also come to resemble them in many ways. One of the seven commandments is “whatever walks on two legs is an enemy”. If this is true then why are the pigs interacting with humans in trade. ‘. . . . Napoleon announced that he had decided upon a new policy. From now onwards Animal Farm would engage in trade with the neighbouring farms. . .’the whole point of having a rebellion is so the animals no longer have to deal with humans or have to act like

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