5 Most Important Events In U.S. History

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The Revolutionary (1775-1783)
I think the Revolutionary War was most important because it is the war that America declared its independence. The Boston Tea Party was an act in the Revolutionary War. It was to show the British that that the colonists were in protest against the taxation fees because they were notbeing represented.Lexington and concord was a battle in the Revolutionary War. In the outcome If the battle of Lexington and Concord the colonists tried to make peace with the British by making the olive branch petition and sending it to Britain but King George III rejected it. The Olive Branch petition stated that the colonies(America)were willing to make peace with Great Britain.
The Civil War (1861-1865)
I believe the Civil War was one of the most important events in U.S. history because it had a very large impact on America. The Civil War was a war between the North free part of America and the slavery part of America. The war was brutal and thousands upon thousands of people were killed. Everyone knew the war started because of slavery but President Abraham Lincoln did n...

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