1984 Symbols In 1984

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The signs are Everywhere Throughout the book 1984 there are several symbols that appear and make a person think about society. The symbolism in 1984 is very important and plays a major role in the development of the story as a whole. In the book 1984 George Orwell, the author warns us about the dangers of a totalitarian society. The main character Winston is a symbol in himself, big brother, the glass paper weight, and the red-armed prole woman all act as symbols in the book 1984. The character Winston Smith acts as a symbol because George Orwell named him after Winston Churchill but gave him a very basic last name so people could easily identify with this character. Both Winston and Churchill were independent and had rebellious tendencies. …show more content…

The Red-Armed prole Woman, she is seen as a figure of freedom and rebellion. Winston looks at her and sees that she does not follow the party 's rules and standards. She sings, shows emotion and does her own thing without any consequence from the party. Showing emotion in this society is not allowed. Winston looked to her as a new start and he even thought that the proles could join together to overthrow or rebel against the party. Julia and Winston see her as beautiful because she exemplified a wild nature. “He had never head a member of the party singing alone and spontaneously. It would even have seemed slightly unorthodox, a dangerous eccentricity, like talking to oneself.” They had not ever seen someone not obey the party before. The paroles have the power to overthrow the party but they do realise that they have that power. The Prole woman gives hope and allows makes Winston think that they can actually have freedom and overthrow the party. Symbolism is something that is very important in all books. In the book 1984 Symbolism helps create imagery; Imagery also adds another level to a book. George Orwell does a fantastic job tying in all the imagery. Where Winston Smith represents rebellion and independence, Big Brother represents mind control and corruption, the glass paper weight represents a clear future and his love affair with Julia, and the Red-Armed Prole woman represents freedom and rebellion. All of these aspects add depth to the book 1984. Without these symbols in the book it would not be as

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