100 Years Of JROTC: Advances In Technology

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100 years of JROTC

As you know JROTC was established by the National Defense Act of 1916, since then JROTC has grown and advanced in technology, skills, and teaching.

JROTC has advanced in technology so much when JROTC started we had no computers. So, we had no access to sites like JROTC DL or Moodle where we do all of our assignments. Without computers our knowledge of JROTC wouldn’t be as advanced as it is now. We would most likely not be passing JROTC because technology helps us with study and learning.

JROTC has taught us many skills over the years like right face, left face, etc. When JROTC was established they most likely didn’t know those moves because it wasn’t invented yet. All these movements help us in many different ways

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