10 Plagues In Biblical History

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The 10 Plagues in Bible History. The Bible reveals that the Hebrews were slaves in the land of Egypt for 400 years. Earlier in the book of Genesis when Joseph was betrayed by his brothers and sold as a slave and taken to Egypt, God used that whole situation to prepare the descendants of Abraham about how to trust the LORD. All of the time that the Hebrews were slaves in Egypt God was preparing a nation in fulfillment of his promise to Abraham. Egypt had become the most powerful kingdom in the world, and Pharaoh was the most powerful ruler in the world. When Moses came with a staff and demanded that he let God's people go Pharaoh scoffed at him and mocked God. Throughout a series of 10 devastating plagues upon the land of Egypt, God actually …show more content…

Moses learned well at the burning bush that the LORD is the God of all the earth. Moses saw the God turn his staff into a snake, and then turned back into his staff again. Moses also saw his hand become white with leprosy, and then God made his hand normal again. The Bible calls Moses "the humblest man on the face of the earth" and he was no doubt quite an individual. Moses did not feel adequate to do the task of demanding that Pharaoh let God's people go because he was not a good speaker. God told Moses "your brother Aaron shall speak for you now go" and Moses did as the Lord commanded. It is hard to imagine but Moses came and stood before Pharaoh, the most powerful man in all the …show more content…

The ninth plague was a great darkness throughout the land of Egypt, a darkness which could be felt. The darkness remain in the land for three days. This was quite humiliating to Pharaoh since the word "Pharaoh" means "the sun". Pharaoh hardened his heart and the worst was yet to come. (Exodus 10:21-22).
Tenth Plague: Death of the First-Born. Moses revealed his anger by this time, this was because of Pharaoh's rejection even in the midst of all the suffering. God sent the Angel of death to go throughout the land of Egypt, and if anyone did not have the blood of a lamb placed upon the doorpost of their house, that house would be smitten by the death Angel. The Israelites were quick to obey God, and the Egyptians suffered greatly with the loss of their firstborn, even in the house of Pharaoh. (Exodus 11).
The First Passover. The Passover happened at the time of Moses and the 10 plagues. In the 10th and final plague the death Angel passed through the land of Egypt. The death angel was sent to kill every firstborn son in every house if there was not the blood of a lamb on the doorpost as a sign. when the death Angel saw the blood on the doorpost it would "pass-over" that house and the firstborn son was spared. This was the Passover.
The Exodus from Egypt. After the 10 plagues Pharaoh finally agreed to let the Hebrew slaves go. The Exodus is when

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