1. What Does The Role Of Peer Support Mean To You?

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1. What does the role of Peer Support mean to you? My understanding of the Peer Supporter role is that it provides a less formal alternative to welfare provision within colleges. This is particularly helpful with the discussion of personal worries encountered by students, who may be unaware of services available to them and thus the correct route to go down. Peer Supporters can act as a first port of call and help direct people towards the appropriate help for issues raised within confidential and safe conversation. Examples of issues raised may include social, financial and academic worries, but also concerns relating to bereavement, disability, illness and sex/sexuality. By the nature of this training course, peer supporters are perhaps better placed to offer up potential solutions to a wide range of issues which they might otherwise not be able to assist with. 2. In what way would training for the role of peer supporter be beneficial to you? What I hope to gain from undertaking the role of a peer supporter is primarily a positive interaction with college staff and students outside of academic work. Additionally I want to develop my …show more content…

This requires that the peer supporter is a good, active, listener and is able to guide discussion towards potential solutions. They must also be aware of the need for confidentiality (unless college staff etc need to be contacted in which case the person in question should be notified in advance), especially given the position of peer supporters as friends and classmates to those who might seek out support or be discussed by others seeking support. Underlining confidentiality is vital for maintaining college camaraderie and to protect the privacy of all involved

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