The Effects of Hearing Loss During Sports Performance

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The effects of hearing loss during sports performances

Sports performances have always played a big role in society, starting back in 776 BC when the first Olympics were held in Greece (Ancient Olympic Games, 2013). There are many athletic programs that one can participate in depending on interest and the concentration a person is looking for. The more extreme a sport is, the higher the risk of injuries there is for the player. Sports injuries can vary depending on the muscles being used during the performance. For example, according to U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC) High school athletes accounted for an estimated 2 million injuries, 500,000 doctor visits and 30,000 hospitalizations each year. Injuries of all types are important but particularly injuries that deal with the ears are becoming more problematic. Specifically in the sports of rugby, football/high contact sports, swimming, and golf. The concerns are become so bad that even fans at stadiums of professional games are at risk of having hearing injuries. Each case has a different severity level, but none of them should be taken lightly. The ears an part of the body and have many purposes besides just for hearing. It is vital to promote information about hearing loss in sports performances because not many people see the dangers while participation and don’t understand the repercussions of not protecting themselves.

The first sport that needs to take steps in protecting their athlete’s ears would be rugby. “Rugby is a free-flowing game that features a combination of strength, speed and strategy to move a ball into an opponent’s territory. Rugby is a full-contact sport yet players wear little-or no protective gear. Rugby evolved from football (i.e. soccer) an...

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Zhao, F., & Bardsley, B. (2014). Real-ear acoustical characteristics of impulse sound generated by golf drivers and the estimated risk to hearing: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 4(1), e003517-e003517.

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