Football Helmet Research Paper

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Football is a sport your mother warns you not to play, but your father is on the other side of the argument, encouraging you to do it because it is a “man’s game”. Even though you don’t want ruin your manhood, your mother is always right. Football is in the top three of most injuries caused in sports (HEALTH GRADES, INC) and a majority of it comes from concussions. A concussion is a temporary unconsciousness caused by a blow to the head. Football helmets are used to prevent that from happening and is still a battle today on creating the perfect helmet to protect these young athletes. The football helmet has undergone significant transformation during the evolution of the game. To find out how this important head gear came to be, you have to …show more content…

In the 1950’s, the NFL came across another addition to the helmet as Cleveland Brown’s first Head Coach, Paul Brown came up with the one-bar facemask in the middle of a game after his starting quarterback, Otto Graham took a hit to the face. The other NFL teams soon followed Brown’s design and Brown patented it and is known as the BT-5. Riddell took Brown’s invention into production. Shortly after, facemasks were worn by every player in the game. Detroit Lion Garo Yepremian was the last player to play without a facemask. It wasn’t long until he told ESPN ‘I would wake up every morning with blood in my mouth…I learned my lesson’ (ESPN …show more content…

This would make it easier to coordinate plays over the thousands of screaming fans. The rest of NFL caught on to Brown’s scheme, and the Radio Transmitter was banned just after three games. It wasn’t till 1994 where the radio helmet was reintroduced to the NFL and is now used by every team in the league. It is known until this year, the San Francisco 49ers were known for their terrible helmet radio system, as it would cut off in the middle of a played call, or pick up pilot chatter from passing

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