Effects of Domestic Violence

548 Words2 Pages

Thousands of homes have been breached by domestic violence, separating many families over the past years. The confrontational battle between spouses, former spouses, and children has been a hot topic to major media sources. Thousands of women are beaten by their husbands every year, and reports aren’t nearly as close to the incidents that occur. A lot of people wonder what the definite reason is for household abuse. Blog sites have argued the fact of this blazing topic for years, and it continues to boil in the pots towards the future. Domestic violence has been a serious case of dramatization in family households; the cause of this epic battle is arguable, and researchers are still looking for a reasonable conclusion.

Studies show how long term effects play a huge role in multiple cases reported. Women respond to men in different ways causing men to react inappropriately. The use of foul language, physical actions, and mental harm begin to take a toll on women in violent relationships. Distorted women lose their jobs from multiple absences at work due to illness. If children or in...

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