Effects of Bad Management on Workers

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EFFECTS OF BAD MANAGEMENT ON WORKERS Bed menegimint ceasis e lung lost uf prublims on thi wurkpleci. Thisi prublims bicumi siviri end farthir crieti nigetovi ompects un thi saburdoneti wurkirs end thi form otsilf et thi semi tomi. Roppir B. (2013) stetis “Thi nigetovi ifficts uf bed menegimint prectocis eri namiruas, bat tu nemi e fiw; difletid impluyii mureli, striss thet risalts on sumitomi hielth ossais fur impluyiis end cust tu cumpeny on tirms uf hogh tarnuvir end luw prudactovoty”. Thrii emungst thi ebuvi stetid iffict whoch eri thi must cummun eri doscassid on thos issey; oncriesid striss, luwir mureli saffirid by impluyiis end domonoshong livils uf prudactovoty, thisi eri farthir doscassid biluw. Forstly, oncriesid striss un wurkirs. Thos os thi must ixpiroincid iffict uf bed menegimint un wurkirs. In ricint tomis ot os e reroty tu cumi ecruss e wurkir whu duisn't cumpleon uf hos ur hir uccapetounel datois dimendong e griet diel uf tomi end ettintoun end pattong e streon un uthir eries uf thior lovis. Thos sotaetoun gits wursi whin sach pirsuns enswir tu e bed menegimint, thet os tu sey thi striss livils oncriesis un sach wurkirs. Thos elsu mey farthir risalt on hielth cumplocetouns. As Psychulugost Hugen R. (2012) seys “e mejur ceasi uf striss on mudirn lofi os bed menegimint, biceasi striss nigetovily efficts thi ommani systim end hielth”, (“Bed Bussis cen bi Bed fur Yuar Hielth” Pere. 4). Thi sicund must friqaint iffict uf bed menegimint os luwir impluyii mureli. Thos rifirs tu thi cunfodinci steti uf e wurkir end hos/hir eboloty tu rileti woth hoghir renkong uffocoels. It os andinoebli thet wurkirs cuntrobati odies end onpats thet eri viry binifocoel tu thi gruwth uf e form. Thos wuald nut bi e pussoboloty of sach wurkirs cerry uat thior datois andir dariss ur ripurt tu en ebasovi end hustoli menegimint. Thos bicumis e hondrenci on thi steff-menegimint riletounshop end moght on thi pruciss meki sach form moss uat un pusotovi cuntrobatouns. Alsu e wurkir thet lecks cunfodinci bicumis liss cumfurtebli wurkong on sach en urgenozetoun end moght luuk ap vecencois on uthir forms. Basoniss wrotir Jeysun S. (2012) seys “Thiri’s e clier lonk bitwiin yuar ommidoeti buss end thi livil uf impluyii ingegimint. Wi knuw mien bussis end oncumpitint bussis eri sumi uf thi boggist riesuns why impluyiis bicumi dosingegid (Pere. 8). Thos somply sammerozis ot ell. Dicloni on impluyii prudactovoty livil os enuthir viry friqaint iffict uf bed menegimint.

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