Early Childhood Education in Turkey

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A Brief History of Early Childhood Education in Turkey
In Turkey, early childhood education, is defined within the Primary Law of National Education. According to this law, early childhood education is an education period that contains the education of children under the age of compulsory education. This law aims to assist the balance physical, cognitive, and emotional development of the children while helping the children to build the good habits, and desired behaviors with an idea of what is the right thing to do in their daily lives.
Early childhood education is the first defined step of the national education system in Turkey, and it is optional if the school district does not offer any educational settings in the place. However, if found within the school district, it is not optional since the legislation change 2008. This means that early childhood teachers would be the first formally trained and role model person our students in Turkey will meet at schools. Preparing these early childhood teachers as classroom researchers and expert collaborators who can learn from one another is essential when the range of knowledge for teaching has grown so expansive that it cannot be mastered by any individual and when students’ infinitely diverse ways of learning are recognized as requiring continual adaptations in teaching and ethics.
The Importance or Significance of Early Childhood Education Degrees and Programs
Teaching in schools, and being ethical while teaching have been complex activities that occur within different and entangled webs of ethical, moral, social, historical, cultural and political relationships and settings. We need to redefine the role of teacher and a valuable way to think about the ongoing education of teachers...

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... practice is ethics in teaching” (Campbell, 2003, p.1). Unfortunately, it is not very easy to see the efforts spent to increase the quality of education in schools, and assist the healthy and desired development of the Turkish society and primary schools in large scales. For Turkey, the ethical awareness of the teachers and student teachers have been advancing slowly, and we can say that generally the ethically appropriate behaviors are simply built on legal arrangements between individuals, and State. The study designed aims to define and possibly determine the ethical awareness of the student teachers which holds an important place in the current, relevant literature.

Works Cited

AYDIN, I. P. (2002). Administrative, Professional, and Organizational Ethics, PEGEM Publications, Ankara.
CAMPBELL, E. (2003). Ethical Teacher, Berkshire, GBR: McGraw-Hill Education.

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