Democracy and Economic Development in Mexico and Russia

543 Words2 Pages

Why is it that some countries are classified as developed and others not? What is the criteria used to determine this? Some people believe that within the criteria to evaluate a country’s development, democracy and economic development must be taken into consideration, and that a link exists between them. Democracy can be defined as a form of government in which people choose their leaders by voting, it also implies equal rights and treatment. (Merriam Webster n.d.) By the other hand, economic development can be defined as the progress in an economy referring to an improvement of living standards, the adoption of new technologies and the transition form an agricultural to an industrial based economy. (Business Dictionary n.d.) Mexico and Russia have both different numerical indicators for democracy and economic development. According to Freedom House, Mexico has a 3.0 score in freedom, being 1=best, 7=worst. Based on this score, Mexico is considered to be a partly free country. What does this mean? A partly free country is characterized by some restrictions on political rights and ...

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