Essay On Cyberbullying

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Many authorities have tried to alleviate this problem by improving more regulation online, but it is nearly impossible to control everything people do online. Because cyber bullying can happen anywhere on the web, it is extremely difficult for authorities to catch every single bully. However, there are many different solutions to go about cyber bullying. An astounding 160,000 children miss school everyday because they are afraid of being bullied. Due to the significant amount of children being bullied everyday, the cyber bullying hotline offers many solutions to limit online harassment such as building a fun, interactive activities online, encourage students to report cyber bullying, and increase awareness in every community (Langhorst …show more content…

They provide many resources for children to access such as different projects designed to help educate people about cyber bullying (PureSight). There are more nonprofit organizations that want to spread cyber bullying awareness to every household because children are greatly affected by this problem. Not only children, but parents and teachers are also involved in the resources provided by these organizations. Family Online Safety Institute (FOSI) examine this social problem as harmful because adults, especially parents are unaware of cyber bullying among their children. This organizations also mentioned that it is difficult for people to regulate online safety. Therefore, FOSI, main objective is to work towards online safety for both children and parents. Spreading awareness and education through educational press conferences help people identify cyber bullying. FOSI has many successful web partnership members such as Yahoo, Microsoft, Verizon, and Times Warner Bros that support FOSI’s plans of increasing online safety. However, big web corporation can not control every situations that are online which is still one of the biggest barrier for FOSI. But with enough education, research, and awareness, FOSI hopes to limit online harassment because it is dangerous in our

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