Computer Programming Languages: Fortran

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Fortran is one of the thousands of different programming languages. A programming language is a set of grammatical rules or guidelines for a compiler to follow. A compiler is a program that converts a programming language into what is called the object code, which is usually binary. Object code is code that the computer or program can understand. Basically, programming languages are for us to be able to create programs and control a computer in a simpler way instead of using what the computer understands, object code. There are different levels of programming languages; the main ones being human language, high-level language, assembly language, and machine language. Human language is the various programming languages we use such as C++, Java, HTML, CSS, and Fortran. High-level language is simpler than human language, however, more complex than the languages that the computer itself understands. Assembly language and machine language are similar. The difference between these two languages is that machine language consists of only numbers while in assembly language, names can be substituted for numbers. Each central processing unit has its own distinctive machine language that it understands. No matter what type of language you use, your program eventually gets converted all the way down to machine language so the computer can understand it. This is where compilers come in. The reason there are so many different programming languages is because each and every one has its benefits and cons. Some languages create programs that are good for handling numerical data, such as Fortran, while others are used for complex object oriented programs. The type of language used depends on three main components; the type of program being written, t...

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...y and ease of use are the main reason for its long last use. Fortran is extremely important to the scientific, mathematical, and computational communities. Without it, we would be way below the level of technology we are at today. Fortran makes many things possible in our world today. Some of these are seemingly simple, others very advanced. Fortran helps produce things that we use everyday such as bridges and drainage systems. It also makes factory automation control possible so factories across the country can produce goods and products we use every single day. Fortran can be used effectively in almost all programming areas and it is open to extensions and modifications. The programming world has advanced from the creation of Fortran and will only continue to benefit from it. Fortran is without a doubt one of the most important programming languages in the world.

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