Comparing and Contrasting Bulletproof/Paleo to an Omnivore’s Diet

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Recently my brother started a modified Paleo diet. The Paleolithic diet claims to be based on the eating habits of Paleolithic humans during the Paleolithic era. For his own nutritional needs he has chosen to combine the Paleo diet and parts of the bulletproof diet created by Dr. David Perlmutter. He has been talking about how great his diet is and that he’s never felt better. My older sister Mar-y-sol argues that while the Paleo diet has some good ideas such as reducing the amount of processed wheat we consume (because the modern diet has far too much processed wheat) it is an out of balance diet and that it goes to the extreme. She prefers to eat a healthy balanced diet with everything in moderation or the omnivore’s ideal diet . These points of view seem valid so I decided to find out what makes a diet healthy.

In this paper, I will be comparing and contrasting The Paleo and The Bulletproof diet to the omnivore’s diet. The sources I am using are Dr. Perlmutter’s Bulletproof diet (Since this is the one that is currently most popular) a modified version of The Paleo diet, …s thing on Ted Talks and Michael Pollan’s book “The Omnivore's Dilemma: A Natural History of Four Meals” which explores the omnivore’s way of eating.

The first diet I choose to look at was the Bulletproof diet (the one my brother is following) started by Dr. David Perlmutter. Bulletproof is the more extreme version of Paleo even if Dr. Perlmutter isn’t exactly following the Paleo diet, since his own modified version of this is the Bulletproof diet, I decided to use him to be a base for Paleo since he is the most publicized speaker about this diet. Dr. Perlmutter’s diet is filled with controversy; one of his claims is that wheat is an opiate; this has ...

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...ry products but your body needs some of the nutrients that can be gained from it, also we need starch from potatoes and some grains. Eating healthy, by which I mean chemical and pesticide free, organic, and locally grown (Because the idea that you don’t know where your food came from is ridiculous) is the best possible choice. People changing to diets that can harm your body just because they want to lose weight is insane and frankly if those people were to trace their health problems to the source they would know that some new fad diet isn’t going to help. I personally eat food from the co-op which promotes local family farms and growing organic food. I personally will continue to look into where my food comes from since the journey, to me at least, is fascinating and I encourage everyone to do the same because the more you know the better you can live your life

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