A Brief Analysis of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

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Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy takes into account interactions between cognitions, emotions, behavior, and environment. The therapist looks to modify attitudes, beliefs, and expectations, they aim to identify and modify maladaptive thoughts. ( Knell 2009) The emphasis of therapy is placed on the child, issues of control, master, and responsibility are addressed as well as responsibility for one’s own behavior change. A child’s perception of events rather than the event themselves is assumed as the cause for behavior in cognitive therapy. (O’Conner & Braverman 2009)

Through therapy sessions the client is able to come to the realization that their thoughts and beliefs are irrational. The sessions offer the opportunity for the client to analyze these thoughts and beliefs in a safe way they are trained to tell the differences between rational thoughts and irrational thoughts. Cognitive Behavioral Play Therapy takes into account the ecosystem that the child is a part of. Goals of treatment may also involve therapeutic interventions for the parent.

A brief history of Cognitive Behavior Therapy began with Albert Ellis:

“Ellis developed and popularized the ABC model of emotions, and later modified the model to the A-B-C-D-E approach. In the 1990's Ellis renamed his approach Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy. In the 1960's, Aaron Beck, M.D. developed his approach called Cognitive Therapy. Beck's approach became known for its effective treatment of depression. Also in the 1960's Maxie C. Maultsby, Jr., M.D. (a student of Ellis') developed Rational Behavior Therapy. Maultsby's contributions were numerous, including his emphasis on client rational self-counseling skills and therapeutic homework. Maultsby's contributi...

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... Austin’s participation and buy in to the process. Using Cognitive Behavioral Play therapy techniques Austin and her parents work toward and ideally reach their goals. Austin will work through the therapeutic sessions and learn to generalize what skills she learns to her life when unpleasant thoughts and situations present themselves. She will learn what thoughts she has are irrational and how to cope in a more positive manner.

Works Cited

Grasso, D. J., Joselow, B., Marquez, Y., & Webb, C. (2011). Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy of a child with posttraumatic stress disorder. Psychotherapy, 48(2), 188-197. doi:10.1037/a0023133

National Association for Cognitive Play Therapy, http://www.nacbt.org/ Retrieved November 6, 2011

O’conner, K. & Braverman, L. (2009) Play Therapy, Theory and Practice; Wiley & Sons, Inc, Hoboken, New Jersey.

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