The Closet: A Narrative Fiction

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Jeannie woke to the sound of the alarm. Morning like autumn had come too early. Looking out the window at the gray sky she let out a small sigh and scooted a little further down in the covers. The thought of the day's tasks where depressing enough without adding in the cold and gray of the day. Putting off her first task of getting the kids up and dressed, for just a few more minutes. She started to stretch out her aching body but reflexively jerked her hand back. She had touched Jim’s spot or at least the spot that had been his up until two months ago. Which reminded her of the other part of the crappy day, job-hunting. Since Jim left that meant there wasn't enough money to make ends meet. Another day of endless job-hunting for a job she was never going to get. She wasn't sure what was worse the apologetic eyes followed with the “we’re so sorry" or the condescending eyes with the “and why haven't you worked in three years" tongue lashes. Determinedly she pushed Jim and the rest of her day aside and pulled herself out of bed and shut off the alarm before it could go off again. She pulled her worn robe over her sweater and T-shirt she wore to bed in order to stay warm and keep the heating bill down, the one she already couldn't pay, and left the room. She shuffled down the hall pulling the rope around her stopping the knock on the boy's door " Jimmy, Andy come on Boys hustle your butts downstairs so you can eat before the bus comes" before making her way downstairs." First things first" she announced to no one as she stepped into the kitchen and started the coffee. The two boys came bounding down the stairs about five minutes later. Jimmy Junior ten pushed his eight-year-old brother Andy through the kitchen doorway as they came rus...

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...of the floor. Holy fuck…. Ok get it together. “ He stood frozen in place for what seemed like an eternity, should he leave this place and put as much distance between him and this place as possible or, or what exactly? He took a step toward the scratching sound and it moved further away. There was a snapping sound like the weight of the imagery crab was too much for the old floor trusses to handle. He followed the sounds up the stairs with his gun out in front of him; he even managed to fire off a couple of shots as the dark pulled him into the closet. As the last of the dark retreated Colt slowly closed the closet door. He leaned his forehead against the door like a man in a confessional.” I’m so sorry Jennings but I’ve waited so long, just one more sacrifice and this fucking thing will give me my parents back.” Marion Jacob Colter started to cry.” I know it will.”

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