Clinton vs. Obama Essay

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The goal of this essay is to persuade my audience to think of how their vote will effect the survival of Democracy, and the future of our country. I will state facts and opinions of why I believe Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama are not good choices as leaders of our country. There are many problems in our country, to begin fixing them the first step would be to not vote for either of these candidates in the 2008 elections.

Hillary Rodham Clinton

In Hillary Clinton’s recent speeches, she has stated that she is against abortion and for the death penalty, but her voting record shows otherwise. In her write-in response to a 1998 survey, Clinton stated her position as “Abortions should be legally available.” She received a 100 percent rating from The Planned Parenthood Council. Clinton has been lying in her recent campaign speeches about these two subjects to try and gain the vote of “middle of the road” republicans. These facts are easily available to anyone who wants to know, so before you go and believe everything some one says, you may want to check into it, I don’t think we need a hypocrite running our country.

Clinton is very concerned about global warming. She supports the production and use of ethanol. She’s right, a cheaper, cleaner fuel would be nice, but this ethanol is being produced from corn. Clinton and others may not notice it now, but if we continue to use up all the corn for fuel, we will have a food shortage. Corn is a vital food for feedlot market animals. Farmers that raise the animals are starting to not be able to afford the sky rocketing price of corn, so they’re killing off their stock. If these prices continue to rise, and farmers continue to not pay, we will have a shortage of meat, milk, and corn in our country. There are already people starving to death in Mexico because their main food source is corn, and it has all been taken to be used as fuel. We should respect our Earth, God gave it to us to use and take care of. Take care of at some extent, when it comes to polluting the atmosphere or eating, I think we should go with the eating.

Another concern of Clinton’s is global warming. She wants a law that says it’s illegal to drive any car in the U.

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