Child Sex Trafficking

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When some people hear the expression “child sex trafficking” inevitably unspeakable thoughts come to mind, others are unaware this is even happening. Sex trafficking is a serious criminal issue taking place within the borders of the United States, but on the outside of these boarders this crime stands as a reliable source of income for those who participate. Although child sex trafficking is a local crime it is obvious that multiple nations have different viewpoints on the topic. The problem at hand is meeting in the middle where this situation can exist without creating a riot with residents and eliminating the destruction of young children’s lives. Though this topic is a sensitive one, there are ways to allow it to coexist in everyday life simply by control the supply and demand aspect of it and the source of income.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and sometimes coming by some extra cash is almost impossible. With sex trafficking being viewed as such a dreadful crime it is not surprising that it is kept in the dark. To little revelation this act is a reliable source of income for those who participate. Amanda Walker-Rodriguez and Rodney Hill, assistant state’s attorneys, conducted a report on human sex trafficking and concluded that it is “Big Business”. It is the fastest-growing business of organized crime and the third-largest criminal enterprise in the world (Walker-Rodriguez & Hill, 2011). It can be understood that when a person needs money desperately they will do anything to get it, but there needs to be boundaries when it comes to selling children for sex and keeping in mind that this is a crime. When looking at the “Big Business” aspect of child sex trafficking it is easy to ignore the consequences and just...

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