The Causes and Consequences of Genocide

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"The twentieth century was termed the 'century of genocide' because of the high number of cases of genocide during that time period," (Maritz 2012). Genocide is the deliberate killing of people who belong to a particular racial, political, or cultural group. It is said to originate from the ideals of Enlightenment, which makes men have the desire to control nature and, therefore, other people. The extermination of a group of people is done to establish a 'perfect society'. Genocide happens mostly because of prejudices. Groups are sometimes formed to think anyone outside the group is an alien and that being different is bad. "Ethnic and cultural distinctions often result in the formation of 'in-group' and 'out-group' thinking, where members of different races, religions, or cultures view each other as separate, alien, and 'different'," (McMorran, and Schultz 2003). It also happens sometimes because there is economic or political instability and limited resources. In general, genocide is a dreadful thing, except for countries with economic struggles and low rescources.
Genocide causes a lack of diversity, which makes the economy of a country weak. This is relevant because the economy of a country is what holds it together, therefore it is a downside to genocide. It is effective because the countries fall apart when they cannot fund citizens, and that is a bad thing. Diversity also promotes economic growth."...diversity spurs economic development and homogeneity slows it down," (Florida 2011). This evidence is sufficient because people that are from different cultures, ethinic groups, and racial groups have brought new ideas to countries which helps economies grow. Diversity can also help propel entreprenuership and improves product...

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...ause not only it is morally wrong, but when something like genocide occurs there will be people across the world who will feel the need to do something about it. Genocide is a barbaric and inhuman act that should never be accepted.

Works Cited

Maritz, Dominique. "What Are The Main Causes of Genocide?." e-International Relations. e-International Relations, 12 Jul 2012. Web. 3 Dec 2013. .
McMorran, Chris, and Norman Schultz. "Genocide." Beyond Intratability. Beyond Intractability, n.d. Web. 4 Dec 2013. .
Florida, Richard. "How Diversity Leads to Economic Growth." The Atlantic Citites. The Atlantic Cities, 12 Dec 2011. Web. 4 Dec 2013.

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