Case Coordination Group (CCG) Review’s Initial Assessment

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1 Introduction

This working document provides a summary of the Case Coordination Group (CCG) Review’s initial assessment of the CCG operations and a ‘first cut’ of draft proposals for change or modification to those operations.

Based on our initial survey of stakeholders, observation of CCG meetings and discussions to-date with stakeholder agencies and individual workers, the assessments and proposals here should be treated as “draft for discussion”. They will be further developed and modified as a result of your feedback and continuing consultations with stakeholders.

The Paper is not intended as a review of the role of individual agencies but rather of the CCG as a collaborative service response to some of the most vulnerable in Townsville.

Your feedback, input and suggestions are important. Comments on our assessments and change proposals particularly welcome.

Please email them to Chris Chappell at – either as comments inserted into the document or as an email.

Alternatively, if you’d like to have a chat about our proposals – either by phone for face-to-face, please email me at the above address so we can arrange a time that suits you.

Once finalised following your feedback and consultations with stakeholders, the proposed model will be incorporated into a draft MOU for stakeholder agencies to consider and a CCG Handbook giving workers and agencies a detailed guide to the CCG processes and practices and the expectations that underpin it.

Chris Chappell

2 Executive Summary

The Review of the Case Coordination Group (CCG ) was established to provide:

 Advice on current best practice in the structure and operations of the ICM model for rough sleepers with complex needs

 A clarified and a...

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...nd purposes:

1. case coordination for all in the target group with priority to those whose life and wellbeing is at greatest risk.

2. Intensive and integrated case management to a sustained and sustainable outcome for those who want to change

3. Information sharing between agencies and agencies at the client and program level

4. The development of the sector to enhance the achievement of the above.

These four functions need to be separately managed in order to ensure a sustained focus and yet integrated to ensure that each function supports and enhances the others.

e. Service delivery process redesign:

Key stakeholders are concerned that the process redesign that has been achieved through the CCG is not delivering the best possible level of client outcomes. That concern is the principal reason for initiating, and will be a key outcome from, this review.

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