Callisto the Satellite of Jupiter

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It’s easy to see why not much attention is paid to Callisto. For four hundred years,

Callisto appeared only as the fourth dot away when gazing at Jupiter through a telescope. It also

didn’t help Callisto gain attention by orbiting Jupiter. Jupiter may be one of the most intriguing

objects that astronomers have yet to study. Jupiter is the king of the planets. With its complex

bands and zones, Great Red Spot, and sheer size, Jupiter has captured our imaginations and has

pushed us to learn and explore all we can about it. Now, with our Pioneer, Voyager, and

especially Galileo spacecrafts, we have uncovered mysteries of Callisto that give our minds and

imaginations quite a workout.

John D. Anderson used Radio Doppler data collected by the Deep Space Network from

five encounters of the Galileo spacecraft with Callisto. From this data him and his team found

that Callisto has a mean radius of 2410.3 km, with no detectable deviation from sphericity. They

assembled this data measuring three principle axes, and all three axes were equal to the mean

radius with a realistic error of 1.5 km (Anderson et al., 2001). This places Callisto as the third

largest satellite in the Solar System, slightly smaller than Mercury, but 1330 km in radius larger

than Pluto.

Callisto does have an atmosphere. This is not comparable to the atmosphere of Titan or

any other planet with a significant atmosphere. Nonetheless, an off-limb scan of Callisto was

conducted by the Galileo near-infrared mapping spectrometer in hopes to detect a carbon dioxide

atmosphere. Airglow in the 4.26 μm carbon dioxide band was indeed observed up to 100 km

above the surface. This indicates the presence of a tenuous carbon dioxide atmosphere with

surface pressure o...

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