Business Climate

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Business Climate

The population in Canada is growing because more people are becoming a citizen and the older population is living longer. Canada is the 32nd largest country in population. The population statistics as of July 2009 is 33,487,208. In the workforce the aging populations are staying at work longer.

Most of the corporations in Canada are hiring immigrants due to large amount of them crossing the border. There is a high demand for skilled workers because not enough of the locals are continuing their education. The aging population is staying in the workforce longer because the birth rate is low and there are no young people to replace those getting close to retirement age. Because of this situation the Canadians will continue to look at immigrants to hire.

Canada is working on improving the education system because of the high school drop-out rate among locals or immigrants. Most of locals attend public schools and most schools are taught in English and French because both languages are welcome in the schools. Students are not graduating and corporations are finding out that their companies have to hire outside of Canada. The Board of Education is implementing ideas on how to retain students to stay in school. The GDP spends most of it funds programs for schools. Canada economy is strong but always have to be aware of global economic.

Canada is a Westminster style federal parliamentary democracy within a constitution monarchy. Canada operates their law system like the United States and is mostly a free country. Its structure is by the British parliament and has very strong democratic traditions. There are two systems common and civil laws; civil law applies in the province of Quebec and the civil...

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...siness. It also offers stability and growth prospects that other countries can’t match. Canada will offer tax breaks, lack of red tape, and generous research and development incentives. It has a safe business environment. Canada’s software industry and wireless technology generates great revenues and employment in software or related areas. Canada’s excellent economy has accomplished great performance because of its competitive business environment and determined workforce. There is a lot advantages investing in Canada such as the people advantage where there are highly skilled workers; financial advantage where the banking system is rated the best in the world; lifestyle advantages the best universities, healthcare system, and to raise a family. With all these advantages Canada is looking for investors to come there country.

International Trade Patterns

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