The Impact Of Immigration In Canada

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Canada is a big country possessing many natural and rich resources. Since World War II, Canada’s manufacturing, mining and service sectors experienced a significant increase which transformed the country from a mainly rural economy to a mainly urban and industrial economy (Central Intelligence Agency, 2015). Immigration plays a big role in Canada’s history, starting as early as settlers from France and England. By 1960, around one-third of Canada’s population had neither a British or French origin (Government of Canada, 2011). Immigration is important to Canada as it does not only help to maintain its population growth, but it also helps the challenges it faces to a shrinking work force due to its aging population. The immigration …show more content…

Owusu argues in his article “To Buy or Not to Buy: Determinants of Home Ownership among Ghanaian Immigrants in Toronto” that racial discrimination in the labour market is a social factor in Canada that reduces job security and income prospects for new immigrants and visible minorities. This affects their decision when it comes to purchasing a house and renting looks preferable. As immigrants start to live in similar areas, they create homogeneous ethnic neighbourhoods, attracting more immigrants to that area. This may be another factor that comes into play when immigrants choose to rent instead of purchasing (Owusu, 1999). It is then expected that with the heavy flow of immigrants in Canada that it will have a significant impact on the rental …show more content…

This also applies to immigrants from third-world countries as well as they immigrate to Canada during their tax-paying years of their life-cycles. Immigration has such a positive impact that it is often discussed to being a potential source of funds to help pay for future expenditures of the country, associated with pay-as-you-go systems, such as public pensions and healthcare. They help with expenditures that are in increasing need with an aging demographic. According to Canadian studies, it suggests that immigration will not change the age structure of the Canadian population, which will not change the need of those kind of expenditures with the aging

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