Aristotle and Plato's Views on Reality

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Aristotle and Plato were both great thinkers but their views on realty were different. Plato viewed realty as taking place in the mind but Aristotle viewed realty is tangible. Even though Aristotle termed reality as concrete, he stated that reality does not make sense or exist until the mind process it. Therefore truth is dependent upon a person’s mind and external factors.

According to Aristotle, things are seen as taking course and will eventually come to a stop when potential is reached. The entire process of potential to actuality is call causation. Aristotle sees human life as the search for happiness and term happiness as the fulfillment of all potential. We are molded through the decisions we make. I see this as a cycle and the cycle is as follows, causation is from potential to actuality, happiness is a fulfillment of potential and education is to develop, cultivate and exercise each child potential up to adulthood. While reading Aristotle principal of potentiality and the principle of actuality, I am reminded of the time I was looking for a house; a real estate agent took me to a house with the inside burnt out. Nothing was left standing in the house but the four walls. The structure of the house was beautiful. The broker turned to me and said “This house has potential” After examining Aristotle philosophy of reality; I see the prospect or potential of the house as the principle of potentiality and the finish product, if I had chosen to buy and fix up this house, the principle of actuality.

I like Aristotle principle that nature is not a mishap and the happenings of the universe is meaningful and purposeful because such belief goes right along with my religious beliefs. On the premise that everything going o...

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...died with Plato at his academy. Aristotle learned a great deal from Plato but was impressed with Plato idea of the significance of logical and critical thinking. Socrates was already working with Plato and eventually Aristotle joined them.

Mentoring is a strong educational tool and is very useful especially within the New York City Department of Education. It is a great way for experience teachers to pass down information. The one and one interaction is more lasting than reading it from a book. This method will allow a smooth transition for new teachers. There are a lot of procedures that are confusing to beginners and mentors can uncoil those kinks. Beginning teacher will also get the opportunity to experience different teaching styles and also decide what will work for them and what will not. Mentoring is a valuable asset in guiding person’s development.

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