Conversation Between Plato and Aristotle

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Dialogue Between Plato and Aristotle 2
As students file into the auditorium of the Academy the first thing that we all notice is the two professors that were standing at the front of the room. After all the students were seated that is when the first professor stepped forward to address the class. Plato: Good Morning Students! Students: Good Morning Professor! Plato: Many of you may know who I am and then there are those of you that do not. For those of you that do not know who I am, my name is Plato. I founded this Academy in 387 and it is the first of its kind ( I have studied under many great philosophers. After Plato got done speaking he stepped back and the professor standing to the left of him stepped forward and addressed the class. Aristotle: Good Morning Student! Students: Good Morning Professor! Aristotle: Like Plato there are many of you that know me and there are those of you that do not. So I will introduce myself to those of you that do not know me. My name is Aristotle. I was a pupil of Plato’s. I have also tutored Alexander the Great. I am h ere today to discuss with Plato my view points on the subjects at hand.
Plato: For today’s class Aristotle and I are going to discuss our ideas on the Theory of Form and the Theory of Knowledge. All questions will be held until the end of today’s cla ss. Now we will talk about the Theory of Forms and the Theory of Knowledge.

Dialogue Between Plato and Aristotle 3
Plato: When we discuss Forms we are not talking about something that is truly real but something that we would see or grasp intellectually. The idea of it is that what you are looking at may not be the true form of which you are looking at it. When you draw a circ...

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...ver changing and so is the world we live in. Plato: What it comes down to is that true knowledge is that of which is truly real. This is because objects that are of the true knowledge are just forms and that is because objects of a person's sense perception are only real to a certain extent and that certain extent is only because they participate in the Forms. Plato: Well class that is all we have for today. Thank you for listening to our theories, and we hope that it gave you something to think about. Class dismissed! The side I believe with most would be based on Plato's Theory of Knowledge. The reason I chose his theory is because I do truly feel knowledge is a true belief of one's own perception. The way I view things is different than how someone else views them. For example; an very old wilted tree would look beautiful to me but someone else may see it as ugly

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