Animal Testing

807 Words2 Pages

Every year, animals are subjected to cruel and unnecessary experimentation. According to the USDA, “between 1990-1997 research labs registered with the USDA reported killing at least 12,895,885 dogs, cats, primates, guinea pigs, hamsters, rabbits, bears, armadillos, squirrels, wild rodents and other species. This doesn't include non USDA registered labs” (“Wikianswers”). Lab animals are cut up and tortured to death all in the name of science. How can we as fellow animal species continue to allow this to happen? Animal testing is a callous and barbaric practice. It is unreliable, and there are newer ways to test products that do not involve slaughtering animals. Animals have no voice and cannot defend themselves, so we need to take a stand and put a stop to animal testing.

While there are many regulations as to how animals are treated, it is impossible to monitor all testing facilities. Lab animals are treated as disposable objects instead of living beings. They subjected to painful experiments and can do nothing about it. Chemicals squirted into their eyes or injected into their stomachs, just to see the damage. They suffer through painful experiences that most humans could not handle. Yet they are offered no pain relief, except death. How can researchers justify killing these animals just to test cleaning products or makeup? Killing lab animals for such trivial reasons is morally no different from murder. If hundreds of people were forced to undergo these tests, there would be an outcry against it. Yet every day nothing is done to stop this from happening to defenseless creatures. Many people do not think there is anything wrong with testing animals because it is saving human lives; but there is no firm proof that animal tes...

... middle of paper ... non-animal testing, there is no logical reason to allow animal testing to continue.

Works Cited

"Alternatives: Testing Without Torture." PETA Media Center. PETA, n.d. Web. 16 Jun 2010.




"How many animals a year die from animal testing?" wikianswers.

N.p., n.d. Web. 16 Jun 2010.>.

"Limitations of Animal Methods." Animals in Research. The Humane Society of The United

States, n.d. Web. 16 Jun 2010.


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