Ancient Chinese Civilization

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China has had many changes throughout its history. China unlike many other countries had the opportunity to grow with minimal outside interference. Due to this they created unique Chinese philosophy, writing, and government. There are two other countries that China greatly influenced. These countries are Vietnam, Korea, and Japan.

China was one of the few countries in the world that grew with minimal interference from its outside neighbors. The reason for this is due to China’s geography. One of the most important and unique items to come from this isolation is China’s writing system. China retained its logographic writing system since there were no other civilizations that came in and changed the way the Chinese wrote during its advancement. China’s writing system shaped many aspects of everyday life. Their writing system was used in literature, philosophy, politics, and everyday social workings. The first Chinese dynasty to rule was the Shang dynasty (ca. 1500-ca. 1050 B.C.E.) The Shang dynasty was the first dynasty to have chariots, writing, metalworking, and standing cities. During the Shang dynasty the Rulers were Kings that were military chieftains. During this period warfare was revolutionary, because of the use of bronze in warfare (ca 1200B.C.E.)Some of the reasons for the Shang dynasty to go to war were for riches, slaves, to quell a rebellion, and to appease gods. Most of the cities during this time were not large urban centers. Most people lived in villages. The Shang kings ruled from large cities. The best known and excavated city that is known to have housed Shang kings is the settlement of Anyang. The dynasty that overthrew the Shang dynasty was the Zhou dynasty (ca1050-256 B.C.E). Before the Zhou overthrew the Sha...

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...ea immigrated to Japan. These immigrant brought with them crossbow’s and many other items to help advance the Japanese culture. Much of this time Japan was involved in warfare. The leaders of separate regions were chieftains that had their warriors. Over time the clans were reduced in number. Eventually by the fifth century the chief of the clan near modern Osaka claimed descent from the sun-goddess. Afterwards Prince Shotoku (574-622) undertook reforms to centralize Japan. Chinese bureaucratic methods were put in place around the seventh century onward.

The Chinese and their neighbors have had very large changes in culture and language since antiquity. The Chinese especially have had a large impact on their neighbors implementing not only parts of their language, but also their culture, philosophies, and bureaucracy.

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History of World Civilizations

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