Changes And Continuities In China From 100 CE To 600 CE

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From 100 CE to 600 CE the Chinese had many cultural and political life changes and continuities. A political change was in the end of the Classical Chinese period when the Han Dynasty fell. A cultural change during 100 CE to 600 CE was the paper invention that led to passing down cultural rituals. Not only were there changes but there was also continuities in the Chinese political and cultural life. An example of a cultural continuity is the increasing power of Buddhism. A political continuity is the ruler of the Chinese wanting the people to be protected with for instance The Great Wall of China.
A good change in political life is the period of disunity following the fall of the Han. There were various factions. People are not cooperating …show more content…

One political goal that China had is that protection was a must. Protection was important because China has been in battles many of times. For an example in 221 CE to 222 CE there is the battle of Xiaoting where Wu defeats Shu. For protection purposes the Chinese had built a structure known as The Great Wall of China. This is considered a political continuity because the ruler wanted to keep the Chinese protected back in those years and they still do now. Around 220 CE the Han dynasty that rules China starts many attacks on the northern nomads. The Han have conquered and received new territories. Then repairs and builds about 10,000 kilometers of walls. This is the first time the Chinese are extending far west through the Gobi Desert. The Great Wall then takes on a new role which is protecting the Silk Road trade routes that connect China and the West. The protection of China is considered continuity because it lasted until 600CE and the ruler of China is still trying to protect the Chinese …show more content…

This invention was a change to the Chinese because paper was invented in China around 105 CE. So the Chinese have paper and now it allowed an easy way for people to communicate. It caused a change in their culture because with paper they can now pass down culture easier than before. Before its invention the writing surfaces that were used were, bones, tortoise shells, and bamboo slips. But as the Chinese civilization started to grow they proved to themselves that these writing surfaces won’t work because of the bulk and weight. In 105 CE a man named Cai Lun during the Eastern Han Dynasty invented the paper from worn fishnet, bark and cloth. These materials were used because they could be easily found at a low price compared to Hemp fiber and silk. Hemp fiber and silk were used at first but then the Chinese realized there are greater uses for this material. Therefore they started to use the worn fishnet, bark and

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