An Analysis of Robin Hood

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Stories are have been part of every culture, some of those stories teach a way a life, others show how us a way of culture, others show how Kingdoms have been built and just like that destroyed into pieces, but the Legend of Robin Hood is different, not only because it has been around for centuries but because the legend has changed so much over the years, and with that each Robin Hood movie is way different than the last one, mainly because the historic events that were happening during the filming of the movie were strong enough to change the plot of the movie and change certain archetypes. This is because a film will have greater success if the audience can relate or connect to the plot and the characters in the movie or story.
The legend of Robin Hood did not start how you know it these days, in fact Robin Hood did not have a Female companion until the early 1500’s, in fact some early readings suggest that Robin Hood was homosexual. In all of Robin Hood stories he is always around his sidekick Little John, as the historians say the Robin Hood tale was a historic event around 700 years ago. The tale orbits around the relationship of two real life characters, Sir William Neville, the constable of Nottingham castle, and Sir John Clanvowe, a poet. Historians suggest that these two were so close together that they might have been homosexual due the their intense friendship and how much they cared for each other. Out of all Robin Hood’s outlaws Little John is the one that is never missing in any story (Clanvowe). The soldiers who fought in the 100 year war, including Robin Hood could be considered gay, because they were at war for so many years without any women around them and the bonds that these men created over the years are ...

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