A Surgery to Remember

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Through my entire life I’ve enjoy a good health. I was never victim of any disease or medical procedure, but sadly all that changed a year ago. I started to suffer from palpitations or like everybody called it “tachycardia”. My tachycardias were the most annoying thing that can happen to a person, it did not have a specific time to start, you can be running, watching TV or in the worse scenario sleeping. Also, the duration of the palpitations was every time greater and the easiest way to describe it is to accelerate a car up to 8000 revolutions per second until the engine begins to shake. After suffering from one of them I always felt like I’ve ran a marathon in five minutes without even move from my sofa. When I finally went to the doctor he did several examinations to my chest to detect what the problem was, which included ultrasounds and electrocardiograms. By that time I was calmed, until the doctor called to announce what was going on with me. I suffered from (name of the procedure) which in English means that I had more nerves in my heart than what I needed and every time I had a nervous reaction those nerves reacted with each other like two cables doing short-circuit. The solution was simple but terrifying, the doctor would have to operate through my neck to cut one of the nerves in a surgery that would last 3 hours. When he said what he was going to do to me I instantly said -let’s do it!, but inside of my head I only wanted to scream.
Time went faster than the expected and in a blink of an eye there was December 4th, the day of my sentence. I woke up early like any other day; I dressed up and did not have any breakfast that morning. Like at 9:30am I was on my way to the Children’s Hospital with my parents where my doctor...

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... hour I was devouring a large Domino’s pepperoni pizza as if I had not eaten in a hundred years. Finally the worse had passed and everybody went home by 7:30 except my mom that was staying with me that night in the hospital.
After all December 4th was not a horrible day. I learned that nobody should be scared of something new because I actually had fun the day of my surgery. When I returned to school two days later everybody wanted to know how I was feeling and what happened to the mysterious creature that accompanied me when I woke up. Because of this I considering myself a lucky person after that day, not only because of the love and affection that my family and friends showed me but also because I’m sure that I’m one of the few people in this planet that have actually seen a dragon. That day was one of the best experiences of my life and I would never forget it.

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