A Qualitative Critique of a Culture of Mutual Support

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Clarity and Significance of Phenomenon

Phenomenon Clearly Described

Phenomena are those things that are perceived by the senses; it is the lived experience (LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. 2010). While reading the study readers may feel that they need to come to their own conclusion about what the phenomena of the study was, it is not clearly describe by the researchers. The reader may find several ideas that the researchers might be wanting to get across to the reader, but because of disorganization, it is hard to find a clear phenomena.

Rooted in Nursing

Discovering why new nurses stay in nursing is important to not only nursing but to healthcare as a whole. The researcher identified several reasons they felt this study could improve nursing, including helping to prioritize efforts to retain new graduate nurses.


The research article discusses several aspects of the nursing shortage. Some aspects that the researchers touched on included the projected growth of nursing, new nurse turnover rate, and how nursing shortages are projected to grow by 2025.

Clarity of Purpose

Purpose Clearly Expressed

The purpose of a study encompasses the aims or objective the researcher hopes to achieve (LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. 2010). The researchers in this study stated that their work focused on the perspectives of new graduate nurses, and why they decided to stayed in their initial positions for at least two years. The researcher stated this was the focus of the study, so it could be assumed by the reader that this is the studies purpose, however it is not clearly defined.

Expected Outcome

The outcome is not clearly defined. The outcome could have been that new nurses needed to go into nursing with their eyes...

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...d new nurses know what will encourage them to stay. The researcher stated that further research should be done on what makes an culture of support, but they did not build on their other findings that may have been factors that encouraged the new nurses to stay. It is important for the researcher to provide building blocks for further evidence on the subject (LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. 2010). Doing this will provide further discussion and encourage further research.


LoBiondo-Wood, G., Haber, J. (2010). Nursing research: Methods and critical appraisal for evidence-based practice (7th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Mosby.

Zeller, E. L., Doutrich, D., Guido, G. W., & Hoeksel, R. (2011). A culture of mutual support: discovering why new nurses stay in nursing. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 42(9), 409-414. doi: 10.3928/00220124-20110615-02

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