A Brief Biography of Joseph Smith

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History books have called Joseph Smith an American religious leader who founded the modern day Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (LDS). This religious institution is based on Smiths visions and the followers of the LDS church are called Mormon’s. His vision was for the restoration of the early Christian church and a new way of life to live by. While Smith visions and ethics have been controversial at times, millions still follow his teachings and the religious culture he started in 1830. Today the Mormon Church has over 15 million followers and has grown to touch many parts of the world with its 83 thousand missionaries. (A Prophet) Visionary Leader From an early age Joseph Smith had an interest in religion. But he was confused about the early Christian church in a new America and was searching for a new direction to live his life. In his late teens, Smith had visions and encounters with God and God told Smith that if he wanted a new way of life he needed to follow what God said. Smith agreed and God led Smith to buried gold plates that had the new way of life God promised inscribed on them. By the time Smith was 24 years old he had translated the golden plates into the first book or The Book of Mormon. In 1830, Smith published what he said was an English translation of these plates, titled the Book of Mormon. (A Prophet) In 1830, Smith organized the first Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints based on the translation he did from the golden plate. Smith’s new church was based on Book of Mormon which promised the restoration of the early Christian church by revitalize the views about the nature of God, cosmology, family structures, political organization, and religious collectivism. (Joseph Smith, 201... ... middle of paper ... ...day. Smith had his beliefs and right, wrong or indifferent if he had not carried out those beliefs the Mormon Church would not exist today. References A Prophet. (n.d.). Joseph Smith. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from http://www.mormon.org/beliefs/joseph-smith? 1 Joseph Smith. (n.d.). Joseph Smith. Retrieved May 3, 2014, from https://www.lds.org/topics/joseph-smith Joseph Smith. (2013, November 5). Wikipedia. Retrieved May 4, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joseph_Smith Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (U.S.) United States. Department of the Air Force. (2012b). Ethical Leadership (LM01). Maxwell-Gunter Annex, AL: Department of the Air Force. Thomas N. Barnes Center for Enlisted Education (U.S.) United States. Department of the Air Force. (2012b). Full Range Leadership Development (CF01). Maxwell-Gunter Annex, AL: Department of the Air Force.

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